Tag Archives: smooth shave

Silky Legs

Miracles do exist! 🙂 Seriously, though I discovered a little trick to silky, smooth, shiny legs! It’s not an ancient chinese secret buy yet another bloggers homemade remedy. A few simple ingredients and it WORKS!
2 1/2 cups of sugar
1/2 cup of oil (coconut or fragranced oil)
1/2 cup of olive oil
1/4 cup of cocoa butter moisturizing gel oil (optional)
5 tablespoons of lime juice
Draw a hot bath and soak first for a few minutes. Shave one leg and take a handful of scrub and rub over the shaved leg. Scrub the leg well and rinse off. Then, shave the same leg again and scrub same leg again with the scrub. The first shave removes the hair and the scrub helps remove the dead skin while the second shave reassures total removal of hair and dead skin. Repeat same procedure on other leg. You will constantly need to rinse razor. I prefer using the guys Xtreme Schick 3 razor I feel I get a better shave (personal preference). Once done towel dry off and I like to put the moisturizing gel oil on my legs they have a glow to them but you can use a lotion if you feel they are too shiny. Any leftover sugar scrub you can put in a container for the next time you want a smooth shave. FYI..I don’t recommend doing this if you have a spray tan because the mineral oil in the moisturizing gel oil will eat your tan away but it’s great to do when your tan fades as an exfoliant!


Filed under Beauty tips & tricks